Safety and Hygiene
- Safety First: Prioritize your safety and the safety of others at all times
- Hygiene: Ensure you have good personal hygiene. This includes showering before class and wearing clean gear. Your gi and no-gi gear must be washed between every use
- Trimmed Nails: Keep fingernails and toenails short and clean to avoid injury
- No Jewelry: Remove all jewelry, piercings, watches, and other accessories before training
- Health: If you are ill or have any skin infections, wait until you are fully recovered before attending classes
- Footwear: No footwear on the mats. Wear appropriate footwear off the mats to maintain cleanliness
Behavior and Respect
- Respect: Show respect to everyone in the gym, including training partners, coaches, and visitors
- No Coaching: Leave the coaching to our qualified instructors. Parents and visitors are welcome to observe but should not interfere with training
- Control: Apply techniques and submissions with control. Avoid using excessive force
- Respect the Tap: Immediately release your hold if your partner taps or verbally submits
- No Striking: Striking, slamming, eye gouging, biting, and any form of dangerous conduct are strictly prohibited
- No Small Joint Manipulation: Avoid twisting or applying pressure to fingers and toes
- Sportsmanship: We foster a positive training environment. Bullying, harassment, or unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated